Some books make us happy. Some books make us cry. Some books take us to a place unheard of and make us wonder. But there are some books that stops time, transcends you into to a different world, engulf you and throw you out mercilessly leaving you to accept a harsh reality that it was all, just a piece of writing.

Kaadu (Forest) by Jeyamohan is one such fine piece of writing which will leave you in a such a state that you want to go right back into it even after you have been thrown out multiple times. I don’t have words under my command to describe the experience. It is like falling in love and explaining it to your parents, can you do it? It is been months since, I finished the book, but my heart still reaches out to it. If you feel like, this is a bit exaggerated, stop reading further and go pick up the book. Lets see what you have to say after that.

Here is an attempt from me to summarise it

First let me ask a simple question. What is a forest? If the answer is bunch of trees, where some wild animals live, well it is far from the truth. Forest is a Tomorrowland. It has its own life; it has its wisdom and its own social life to play. The dynamics of forest is so complex, that even our super brains will never understand it. When you enter a forest, you are naked. It strips out of all the power and authority from you. You are a mere mortal in front of this immortal. If that scares you, fear not. Forest is generous and angelic like a mother. It creates, provides and protects live at all costs.

Forest is Harsh, yet so gentle. Forest is merciless, yet so kind. Forest takes life yet gives birth. Forest is darks, yet it streaks light. It is the right amount of balance just like the universe expect it to be. Humans are no different than the forest. Humans hate yet spreads more love. Humans belittle yet celebrate. Humans punish yet forgive. Somehow humans balance things out perfectly or not so perfectly to keep them going and living through ages. This book takes this right amount of balance and takes us to a journey where all the balance is questioned. Are humans really in balance?

The book follows a group of people, an elephant, some oxen and a loris. Yes, they all are in this together. Every character plays an important role and the book isn’t side-lining anyone which is truly amazing and rare these days. The book brings the raw lifestyle of the people in front of our eyes. Can you imagine living in a tent that leaks, inside a deep forest eating nothing but what you gather from the surroundings? There is a beauty in this life and the book shines through it. Through Giri, the protagonist, it teaches us how maddening love is and how hurtful lust is. With Kuttapan, it teaches the hard work and wit of humans. With Neeli, it helps us to appreciate the beauty of nature. I’m not going to tell the complete story and spoil it for you. Here are some of the things

The book is written in Kanyakumari dialect of Tamil which is like a foreign language even to Tamil people. Initially you won’t understand a thing but hang on to it. You will get it. I am from a place near to that and it felt like breeze. You will for sure adore the dialect.

The book is intense in every aspect. It makes you dance with joy, it makes you weep like a child and it instills deep fear sometimes. You will be thrown all over the place with wide range of emotions. The realism of the book makes you forget the real world.

This isn’t a book only about a fantasy land. It teaches sharp lessons brilliantly blended with the story.

Many of us are not aware of deforestation and the damage it brings along. This is portrayed in the story through a different timeline.

What it takes to live a happy life? Is it wealth? Is it authority? Is it love? Is it the knowledge? Nope. None of this. To lead a happy life, you need to give. Give it to others. This was brilliantly brought out.

Humans can be mean and inconsiderate at lot of times. And they betray. But betrayal not only kills the victim, right?

In a fast paced, self-centric life, Kaadu will make us take a step back, Sit in the rocks and throw stones in the river. By doing so, it certainly brings out the best of us forward.

Let us all get lost in this wonderful Kaadu!

(The book is available in English as well in Amazon Kindle)