We are excited, elated and more anxious than ever before to launch this space to the world. With the launch of this post, we are set to begin a new aspect in our lives.

We are celebrating our months of togetherness, counting anxiously days to our anniversary. To make it more special, we wanted to do something new that will help us grow individually and also improve our relationship in a long way. When we thought about it, the idea of starting a blog flashed in our mind.

Zuha is an original thinker. Her ideas and way of looking at things always leave others in awe. Winnie on the other hand is good at technical writing and able to explain complex things in simple words. So we thought by combing original thoughts with simple writing, we can actually make things work out and our idea of starting a blog became concrete.

But then the question pops up?? Kya likhe-hein blog mein 🤔

Everyone who is into blogging can understand this. Since both of us are new into blogging, we decided we will write only about the things we know.

By doing this, we want to understand each other, help each other to learn new things, push the limits, pull the legs and we want to help others along the way. We both wish to magnify the little world around us, by sharing our tales and learning from others as well.

Since both of us are not writers by profession, we are bound to make mistakes. With our work eating most of our time, we may be little inconsistent in posting new stories. But we assure you, within a short span, we will improve in all aspects.

Thank you for taking your time to read all the way here.

With tons of hope, happiness and excitement, we are now launching this space.

Wish us good luck 🤞